This is a deadlift progression from my lifts between 2014-2015. The highest I've reached is 405lbs. I've had failed attempts at 410lbs but can't seem to get over that hump!
Week 5 of TBT for 52 Weeks - Silent Films
Week by week every Thursday I will reflect on previous experiences I've had creating videos over the years. In Week #5 of TBT for 52 Weeks I talk about "Underwear Man". This is a student film I created circa 2003. The assignment was to create a silent movie and add the sound effects in post-production. It wasn't until 2015 that I found this short film once again and found that it was an unfinished project. I added the sound effects and now "Underwear Man" is complete. Watch the short film at the link below and remember to Subscribe!
Happy 6th Birthday Ezekiel!
Week 4 of TBT for 52 Weeks - Copying
In Week #4 of TBT for 52 Weeks I talk about "Ray Roman HP Commercial". I copied what was done in the Jay-Z HP Commercial in attempt to see if I could recreate what was done in my own way to tell my story. Would you say this is stealing or copying? Subscribe and don't forget to leave a comment!
Week #3 of TBT for 52 Weeks - Difficulties
Week by week every Thursday I will reflect on previous experiences I've had creating videos over the years. In Week #3 of TBT for 52 Weeks there's some technical difficulties, but I present to you my reviews channel where occasionally I post product review videos. I've been sick the past week or two so it was a bit difficult putting this 'TBT for 52 Weeks' video together. I'm realizing that although these videos have been fairly short, I'm finding spending more time on them than expected. Yes, they are fairly easy to put together but I'm finding myself spend more time on the videos than I wanted to. The idea for the "Throwback Thursday" videos was to reflect on previous work and experiences I've had as a filmmaker. It was supposed to be quick to talk about and edit together, but I'm a perfectionist and have been trying to write out a script or outline for each video I reflect on. Moving forward I may decide to switch up the style from a well edited video to more of a flat out video where I go on a tangent on the subject at hand. It all depends on what's going on in the week that will effect how these come out -- as you can tell from this weeks video, there's a lack of quality than what I normally hope to put out.
Week #2 of TBT for 52 Weeks - Winning
In Week #2 of TBT for 52 Weeks I talk about "Kitty Unboxed My B&H Package". That video was created for a video contest for B & H Photo Video to win a new camera, find out if I won or not in this episode!
Week #1 of TBT for 52 Weeks
Week by week every Thursday I will reflect on previous experiences I've had creating videos over the years. In Week #1 of TBT for 52 Weeks I talk about "BG's Dirty 30: Cruise to Ensenada". I created DVDs for everyone who went on the trip, and was inspired by filmmaker Gaspar Noé on the way a section of the video was edited. Watch the original video for BG's Dirty 30: Cruise to Ensenada at and don't forget to Subscribe!
Top 10 Videos Created in 2015
To save you the trouble of reading about why these videos are apart of my Top 10 favorite videos to create this year, you can watch for yourself. However, if you're interested I recently announced that I'm starting a web series about previous videos I've created called "TBT For 52 Weeks". I'll most likely talk about a handful of the following videos shared below, enjoy!
TBT For 52 Weeks Announcement!
In 2016 I will post a Throwback Thursday video every week for 52 weeks! Make sure to Subscribe by clicking the following link:
The first video will be posted on January 7, 2016. Stay tuned!