'King' Kevin Casey Freestyle Rap for The Hollywood MMA Show

by Ray Roman in , ,

In this video "King" Kevin Casey talks about how music is another way for him to express himself beyond fighting in the cage. Casey also does a freestyle rap for The Hollywood MMA Show off the top of his head.

'King' Kevin Casey RFA 12 Pre-Fight Interview

by Ray Roman in , , ,

Here's "King" Kevin Casey's pre-fight interview for RFA 12 that will be taking place this Friday January 24th in Los Angeles. Stay tuned for more behind the scenes videos on Kevin Casey that I'll be editing.

Rogue Dog Sled - "Ambitionz Az A Fighta" (Instagram Video)

by Ray Roman in , , ,

Here's a video I posted on Instagram yesterday of me pushing the Rogue dog sled around my backyard. Ever since Instagram has allowed users to upload videos I've used the platform to experiment with editing, and create small skits. It can be a challenge creating something entertaining with the limited 15 second window Instagram gives you for videos, but I enjoy the challenge!

12/22/2013 WOD "Welcome to Hell"

by Ray Roman in , , , ,

Working out is something I've always done ever since I was a teenager. These past couple of years CrossFit has been rapidly growing; some might say CrossFit is the fastest growing sport at this moment in time.

My younger brother has been in love with the sport the past couple years and has picked up the proper technique rather quickly. He's been teaching me his knowledge, and has been a motivation for me to stay active.

Here's the workout regime he put together for me yesterday.

WOD #1
3 rounds for time (10 minute time cap):
-25 meter down-and-back sprints (50 meters total
-10 burpees
-7 clean and jerk at 135lbs.

WOD #2
For time interspersed (17 minute time cap):
-12, 9, 6, 3 deadlifts at 155lbs.
-40, 30, 20, 10 air squares

WOD #3
For time:
-run 2 miles

I woke up Sunday morning to a text message that said "welcome to hell". This WOD might not be hell for the elite athlete, but my brother is aware of my weaknesses, and trying to help me push myself to improve. After completing the first WOD I felt like giving up. It was hell, but I continued on and ended up having a great day!

Although I exceeded the time cap in the first WOD, I decided to complete the workout even though the purpose of a time cap is to increase your intensity to complete the WOD within the given time.

I'm 100% positive if my brother was training with me on this day he would have made me stop and move on, but I was already feeling 'broken' so I forced myself to finish the workout.

The second WOD involving deadlifts and air squats wasn't so bad for me as the clean and jerks were in the first workout. I definitely felt the pain though when I ran 2 miles for the final WOD. Surprisingly, I got one of the best times I've had running in years!

Whatever you want from exercise comes faster with intensity. It’s not volume or duration or heartrate or even discomfort. Do more work in less time (without overdoing it), and you’ll get fitter faster.
— CrossFit Journal

The intensity of training CrossFit has allowed me to see results I've been missing over the years by simply just weightlifting. I will continue to post more clips of my training, and hopefully will continue to grow as I share my experience.

Lyoto Machida talks fighting friend Mark Munoz, and upcoming fight against Gegard Mousasi at UFC Fight Night 36

by Ray Roman in , ,

David Kano of The Hollywood MMA Show talked to Lyoto Machida about his previous fight with Black House MMA friend and training partner Mark Munzo. Machida also talks about his upcoming fight against Gegard Mousasi at UFC Fight Night 36 in 2014.

Checkout the video I edited below.

'King' Kevin Casey, and Lyoto Machida Interview at Black House MMA

by Ray Roman in , ,

David Kano of The Hollywood MMA Show speaks with "King" Kevin Casey, and Lyoto "The Dragon" Machida at BlackHouse MMA about Casey's upcoming fight against Eddie Mendez at RFA 12.

Watch the video I edited below.

Looking Back at 2013

by Ray Roman in , , , , , , , , ,

This is a highlight video of some of the work I shot and edited this year.

I'd like to continue editing something like this together every year as I have done in the past. Checkout the first 'Looking Back' video from 2009 below.