Caffeine and Kilos - PR Blend
The 2014 CrossFit Games are over. It's time for regionals! Are you drinking your Caffeine and Kilos PR Blend? Eric Roman is and he's smashing PR's. I put this video together with my younger brother this weekend before he finished the last CrossFit Open workout. I really enjoy Caffeine and Kilos coffee, give it a try!
Eric Roman 14.1 CrossFit Open Workout
My younger brother completed the 14.1 CrossFit workout this morning. The workout is 10 minutes AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of 30 double-unders, and 15 power snatches at 75lbs. This is his second attempt this week because the first video we submitted was declined due to a few details we missed. I'm so proud of him, his original attempt was 259 reps and just 3 days later he reached an official count of 267 reps! Checkout the full video below.