September is Concussion Awareness Month! Watch Concussed: The American Dream on Apple TV to understand this Masterclass. Dr. Tabia Pope was joined by Associate Producer, Videographer and Video Editor, Ray Roman to discuss the harsh reality behind the glamor that has surfaced exposing the devastating toll of head trauma on football players. In case you haven’t seen the film trailer — check out!
Patient Experience Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine at UCSD
This purpose of this video is to show the patient experience receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. This video is not affiliated with UCSD. We wanted to share how satisfying the seamless experience was due to the quick and easy process!
Ray Roman's ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Response
Vernon Rodriguez challenged me to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Challenge accepted! I challenge Brent Canning, Annie Sites, and David Kano.
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